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2012年06月20日 来源:烟草在线据Tax-News.com报道编译 作者:
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  烟草在线据Tax-News.com报道编译  某些州,特别是加利福尼亚,希望增加卷烟税,来获得额外的收入减少财政赤字,美国国会预算办公室(CBO)已经描述了提高联邦消费税会如何缓解卫生支出的压力,并能减少联邦预算的压力。










California: Cigarette Tax Hike Could Improve US Fiscal Health

Jun 15, 2012

  With certain states, particularly California, looking at increasing cigarette taxes to provide additional revenue to reduce their fiscal deficits, the United States Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has described how an increase in the federal excise tax could ease health spending and reduce pressure on the federal budget.

  In a study, the CBO points out that, as the US federal government spends roughly USD1 trillion on health care programmes each year, it is easy to imagine that policies that promote a healthier population, in this case to discourage smoking, could have a significant impact on the federal budget.

  It considers a hypothetical increase of USD0.50 per pack in the federal excise tax on cigarettes and small cigars (from USD1.01 to USD1.51) in fiscal year 2013, with the increase adjusted each year to keep pace with inflation and, in the long-term, with the growth of people’s income.

  CBO finds that, following an increase in the excise tax on cigarettes, average annual health care spending per capita would decline because of improvements in health. As a result, outlays for the major federal health care programmes would be lower for a number of years than they would be otherwise.

  In addition, improvements in health could boost revenues by increasing earnings, in part because people might work longer than they would otherwise, thereby boosting the amount of federal revenues collected from income and payroll taxes.

  However, over the long-term, federal spending would be higher for federal retirement and health care programmes as the number of beneficiaries rose because of greater longevity outweighing the decline in average annual health care spending per capita.

  CBO's analysis suggests that increasing the excise tax on cigarettes by USD0.50 would reduce federal budget deficits by a total of about USD42bn in the period to 2021.

  Additional revenues from the higher excise tax would total USD38bn between 2013 and 2021, according to estimates by the Joint Committee on Taxation. Improvements in health that allowed people to work more and be more productive would boost labour earnings and add roughly another USD3bn to revenues over that period.

  Spending on the government's largest health care programmes, Medicare and Medicaid, would be slightly lower as people's health improved, while spending on Social Security would be slightly higher as more people lived longer. The net reduction in federal spending would be less than USD1bn over that period.

  Over the longer term (until 2085 in its analysis), the CBO finds that the policy's effect on people's longevity would play a growing role, and federal spending would ultimately rise relative to the amounts projected under current law. The increase would continue to be very small, however, compared with the size of the programmes involved. Nevertheless, the net effect of the illustrative tax increase would be a reduction in the federal budget deficits by small amounts throughout the long-term projection period, primarily because of the additional excise tax receipts.


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