烟草在线据《烟业通讯》报道编译 据全球行业分析师公司称,对卷烟过滤嘴丝束迅速增长的需求量可能会抵消全球醋酸纤维素市场交易量下降所带来的影响。该市场调查公司预计,到2017年,全球醋酸纤维素的消耗量将达到105万公吨。
Filters "Save" Cellulose Acetate Market
Burgeoning demand for cigarette filter tow will likely offset the effects of the economic downturn on the worldwide market for cellulose acetate, according to Global Industry Analysts Inc. The market research firm expects global cellulose acetate consumption to reach 1.05 million metric tons by 2017.
Most of the demand comes from the Asia-Pacific region, where cigarette consumption continues to grow. China, which accounts for about 35 percent of global cigarette consumption and production, is the fastest-growing market for acetate tow products.
Demand is driven not only by volumes, but also by the trend toward lower-tar cigarettes and substitution by acetate tow in polypropylene cigarette filters.
Cellulose acetate is also used in textile fibers, photographic films and inks.