烟草在线据新华网报道编译 5月2日,东南亚国家联盟(东盟)协会秘书处发表声明称,其在印度尼西亚首都雅加达的总部将正式成为无烟区域,这一举措为该地区的其他地方树立了一个健康榜样。
“东盟秘书处的领导榜样不仅仅是象征性的。它是联盟的承诺,且有具体的行动方案,”东南亚控烟联盟(SEATCA)主任Bungon Ritthiphakdee代表周边地区的烟草控制联盟倡导者表示。
东盟秘书长素林·比素万(Surin Pitsuwan)博士主持了在东盟总部大厅进行的官方“Smoke-free(无烟)”标牌的揭幕仪式。
ASEAN declares smoke-free headquarters to set healthy example
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) sets a healthy example for the rest of the region, by declaring its own headquarters in Jakarta, Indonesia, officially smoke-free, a statement released by the ASEAN Secretariat said here on Wednesday.
Ahead of the ceremonies to launch a "Smoke-Free ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC)," regional tobacco-control advocates are congratulating the ASEAN leadership for its determined and progressive stance that unequivocally expresses where the region's governments should stand with respect to curbing tobacco use.
"The ASEAN secretariat's leadership by example isn't merely symbolic. It follows through on a commitment and is concrete in action." Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) Director Bungon Ritthiphakdee said, on behalf of the alliance of tobacco control advocates from around the region.
"Six hundred million people of Southeast Asia are rejoicing with the accomplishments set forth by the ASEC in bringing good health, clean environments and empowered nations in the hands of the ASEAN," Ritthiphakdee added.
The ASEC Health and Communicable Diseases Division, with the support of SEATCA and the World Health Organization (WHO), wants to strengthen the implementation of the ASEAN Secretary-General's memorandum on Smoke-free Working Environments.
ASEAN Secretary-General Dr. Surin Pitsuwan led the unveiling of the official "Smoke-free" signage at the lobby of the ASEAN headquarters.
Dr. Surin had issued a memorandum for a smoke-free ASEAN Secretariat as early as 2009, but the ceremony on Wednesday is intended to build momentum and formally introduce the ASEAN Secretariat to the international community as a smoke-free building.
The memorandum "ASEAN Secretariat as a Smoke-free Working Environment" calls on all staff and visitors to the headquarters to strictly observe and enforce the "no-smoking" policy in all rooms, toilets, lobby, and passageways, for the health, safety and welfare of everyone working in the ASEAN Secretariat Building.
In March 2012, Dr. Surin introduced the Smoke-free ASEAN campaign -- "10 countries, 1 vision: A Smoke-Free ASEAN," at the World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Singapore.